
Thursday, January 1, 2015

NC Zoo – Oh the Sites You'll See in the Winter!

NC Zoo in Asheboro
My family has visited the North Carolina Zoo several times in warmer months, but this year we decided to try something a little different and visit the zoo on December 31, 2014. High temps were in the mid-40s that day. What a way to end the year! There are quite a few advantages to visiting the zoo in winter months....

Sculpture at North Carolina Zoo
Shorter Lines

We have visited the zoo on days when it seemed like everyone else in North Carolina must have had the same idea, but visiting at the end of December was quite a different story. There were no or minimal lines to enter the zoo, see animal exhibits, or ride the vans from one area to the next. If you do visit during colder weather, plan your visit carefully. Icy conditions might be dangerous for travel and/or the zoo might need to close, so check the NC Zoo web site before venturing out. Some animal exhibits in Africa, for example, were not open earlier in the day when we visited, but once weather conditions were above about 45 degrees, they began to open those areas. Some exhibits might close before closing time, so if you particularly want to see an exhibit, you might plan to see that one early or by mid-visit. We began our visit on the North America side and by the time we reached the Africa side, those areas were open.

Nicobar Pigeon in Aviary at NC Zoological Park in Asheboro
Heated Indoor Areas

Even if several of the outdoor exhibits are closed due to colder weather, there are plenty of indoor exhibits to enjoy, and to me, it was a bit easier to walk the trails in cooler temperatures. If visitors are getting chilly outside, several indoor areas offer comfortable temperatures. The Sedona Desert, one indoor area, is the perfect place to slow down and search for the animals. Many of the animals are an amazing display of camouflage and might be a little challenging to see at first glance. One of my favorite indoor zoo spots is the aviary. I could hang out in the aviary for hours and enjoy watching the birds, ducks, and the beautiful plants. We happened to arrive at the aviary at feeding time – if you want to get a chance to see some of the more elusive birds, feeding time is the perfect time to visit.

Gorilla at Zoo in Asheboro NC
Animated Animals

When it feels like 110 degrees in the shade in North Carolina, perhaps neither people nor animals feel like moving faster than a sloth, if at all. However, in cooler weather, I noticed that several of the animals were particularly animated when we visited in December. An adult female gorilla was hanging out right by the window and licked the window almost as if trying to give a little girl a "kiss" through the window. The lion cubs were putting on quite a show while the male lion roared several times while we were watching – what a memorable sound! A chimpanzee sauntered right up to the window and grinned at me as if posing for a picture before lumbering over the hill. Even a rattlesnake opened its mouth as wide as possible as if it were yawning just as my oldest was getting ready to snap a picture.

Inspirational Poems at NC Zoo
Added Details More Prominent

The Asheboro Zoo is packed with added details for those who are looking. A poem might grace steps or a sidewalk. A picture on a wall might offer words of encouragement. Much of the artwork at the zoo is nestled in unexpected places and is pretty impressive, from sculptures to holograms. Educational details abound, and visitors can learn a wealth of information about the animals, plants, conservation, our natural resources, and more. Volunteers and those who work at the zoo might offer added interesting tidbits about the animals, plants, and exhibits that one might not learn from simply walking around.

NC Zoo in December
Winter Beauty

Each season offers its own style of beauty. Winter is no exception. I enjoyed simply walking around and searching for memorable moments. Many of my favorite photo spots in December were those places that were not necessarily planned or expected. I enjoy travels that are less crowded and a little slower paced, so this winter zoo visit suited me very well. My kids seemed to enjoy the visit as much as I did. This became a fun, relaxing finale for 2014 for my family.

Friendly Chimpanzee at North Carolina Zoo
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