

Travel NC With Kids is a great way to explore fun things to do in North Carolina and get the inside scoop before getting in the car! I have lived in North Carolina all my life and have enjoyed seeing many of the sites of the state. My kids have enjoyed the ride as well. Travel NC With Kids is a place to check out a variety of kid-friendly places to see in the Tarheel State, complete with tips and pictures.

If you enjoy reading this blog, feel free to share the URL with others rather than copying and pasting the article and/or pictures. I welcome comments, feedback, and suggestions for future articles and hope that you will find a wealth of information if you wish to travel in North Carolina.

Comments with links as a means of advertising a product or individual services will be marked as spam and deleted.

If you would like to learn more about the "birth" of this blog, feel free to read my first article on this blog, Welcome to Travel NC With Kids!