
Friday, October 21, 2016

Hutchinson Homestead at Stone Mountain State Park – Great History Lesson

Hutchinson Homestead at Stone Mountain State Park © Katrena
When visiting Stone Mountain State Park, staff members recommended that we hike by the Hutchinson homestead while on the Stone Mountain loop trail. Stone Mountain State Park is located in Wilkes and Alleghany counties in North Carolina near Elkin.

Homestead along the loop trail at Stone Mountain State Park © Katrena
We parked in the lower trailhead parking lot and began hiking the loop trail from that point. We decided to take the split on the left side and hiked part of the way on a road that leads to the homestead. Those who have mobility limitations may drive up that road and park very close to the homestead. You can see the edge of the parking just to the left and behind the cabin photo at the top of this article.

See old farmhouse & barn & farm machinery in North Carolina © Katrena
The homestead includes quite a few buildings that have been well-maintained. Several people were visiting the area when we arrived. One group with several dogs mentioned that they had met a park ranger whose family had owned the homestead. He had told them all sorts of stories of visiting his grandparents and memories of activities his family enjoyed. He was not there on the day we visited, but what a wonderful opportunity that would be!

Stone Mountain State Park Hiking Trail in NC © Katrena
Signs at the buildings include information about how the building and farm machinery were used. Just beyond the buildings is a small trail leading to a field with a tree and a few benches. From that area you can see the large stone face that heralds Stone Mountain's name. A plaque designating the area as a national landmark in 1975 is in the field closer to the rock beyond the homestead.

View of Stone Mountain from Hutchinson Homestead © Katrena
The loop trail continues on from the trail if you keep walking straight back or you can cross a wooded bridge to the right of some of the buildings. When we visited the park, temperatures were in the high 90s, so we did not spend a lot of time in the sun, but I tried to capture a few pictures to share with all of you.

Scenic Hiking Trails in North Carolina
I would love to visit the park again some time when the park ranger whose family owned the land is there to share his stories. The homestead has been well-preserved and the entire park is well-maintained.

Old Privy or Outhouse at Hutchinson Homestead at Stone Mountain State Park © Katrena
Additional articles by Katrena

Homestead at Hiking Trail at Stone Mountain State Park © Katrena
Thank you for visiting my Travel NC With Kids blog. Have you visited the Hutchinson homestead at Stone Mountain State Park? If so, what did you especially like?
Fun Family Activities in Wilkes County and Alleghany County in NC © Katrena
UPDATE 11/15/2018
I received this note in my email and would like to share the information below and thanks so much for reading my blog and sharing your story with me, Mr. Hutchinson!
I read your blog and wanted to let you know about my campground joining the southern border of Stone Mountain State Park.  While walking the loop trail, at the trail branch off saying to the middle and lower falls.  You can get here by going on down to the lower falls, then onto the horse trail and there is a unmarked branch off to my campground, a 12 minute walk below the lower falls, or look for the sign 1 1/2 miles up longbottom before the park entrance.  I just wanted to tell you because you talking about the Ranger telling you about the Hutchison Homestead.  The Homestead was my Grandfather's, my Father, Sylvester Allen Hutchinson was born in that house.  The visitors center, the hill top and cook out shelters, fire pits, etc., all the way down that side of the mountain to the hollow was my Mothers birth place.  The park took the cabin down.  My Father bought this farm back in '44 for everyone to walk back and forth to visit.  We had a poultry farm here for 42 years.  I had a dairy for 23 years and made cheese on the farm for 10 years.  I got disabled from injuries on the farm in 2013 and currently run the campground  with the help of my sister that lives in State Road.  We have only been open just long enough for everyone to just start finding out that we are here.  I just wanted to let you know we are here, if you know any way to let people know about us it would help greatly.  Let me know if you have any questions.  The name is Sandy Creek Family Campground and mine is Barry Hutchinson.
Barry Hutchinson,
Sandy Creek Family Campground

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Stone Mountain Loop Trail at Stone Mountain State Park in NC

Stone Mountain Loop Trail at Stone Mountain State Park in NC © Katrena
The Stone Mountain Loop Trail is located at Stone Mountain State Park in North Carolina (not to be confused with Stone Mountain in Georgia). My family decided to only hike along the back side of the loop to the waterfall and back because temperatures were in the high 90s on the day we visited.

Stone Mountain Loop Trail © Katrena
We traveled from the Welcome Center to the lower trailhead parking lot where the trail starts. There is a sign for the trail just past the restrooms, so that was helpful, particularly since this was the first time we visited the park. The loop trail is identified by orange circles posted along the way as well.

Road Leading to Homestead for Those with Mobility Issues © Katrena
According to the Stone Mountain State Park web site, the entire loop is 4.5 miles. The trail has a natural surface and is considered strenuous. There are quite a few steps near the waterfall going around to the front. If you are hiking the whole loop, it might be easier to hike around the front and come down the steps to the waterfall.

Trail Just Past Homestead at Stone Mountain State Park © Katrena
We wanted to walk by the Hutchinson Homestead, and it looks like there is more than one way to get there. We ended up walking along a road for part of the way. I noticed there was a parking area right by the homestead, so people who have mobility issues can drive very near that area and park, but the parking over there is very limited. It looked like there might be room for about two or three cars.

Stone Mountain in North Carolina © Katrena
Just past the homestead is a beautiful view of Stone Mountain. When we visited, some people were climbing the stone face. Apparently, this park is known for their opportunities for rock climbing. Those who wish to do that must register with the park. Stone Mountain is a registered national landmark, and you can see the plaque in my photo above.

Loop Trail at Stone Mountain State Park © Katrena
The trail is shaded and there are quite a few scenic areas where a stream meanders across the trail. Water levels were really low, so my kids enjoyed walking across the water on rocks, but there were bridges over the water too.

Fence at Homestead at Stone Mountain State Park © Katrena
The trail is maintained well. I think many people who travel to state parks are careful not to litter, but I also realize that keeping the trails clean and free of trash and limbs, etc. is quite a job, and I appreciate all the extra efforts the staff members take to maintain such long trails.

Stone Mountain Loop Trail at NC State Park © Katrena
The trail is wide and a person with some mobility issues may be able to navigate the trail, but there are a few steps along that back portion of the loop to get to the waterfall. I enjoyed listening to the sound of the water as we hiked. It was quite peaceful. We also saw butterflies almost everywhere we looked. Those who enjoy nature photography will definitely want to bring a camera.

Beautiful Hiking Trail in NC - This is looking back from the bridle trail © Katrena
At one point, the loop trail splits. If you go to the right, you'll see Middle Falls and Lower Falls. We weren't sure what we were looking for, so we hiked and hiked down that way. After crossing one section of the stream, we realized we were on a bridle trail, so we had a picnic lunch, watched the butterflies dance, and then headed back to the split.

Steps at Stone Mountain Loop Trail on Back Side © Katrena
If you particularly want to see the big waterfall and don't have much extra time, stay to the left where the trail splits. Before long, you'll reach several sections of stairs. My kids weren't too excited about the hiking trip with such hot temperatures, but we persevered and made it to the waterfall. The trail was shaded for almost the entire way on the back part of the loop, which really helped in such hot temperatures.

Stone Mountain Falls in NC © Katrena
The waterfall is tall. Water levels were low when we visited, but it was still beautiful, and my kids decided the hike was worth it to see the waterfall. Of course, a couple of people had dogs on leashes in that area; dogs tend to bring out the happy in my kids!

Dog Friendly Hiking Trail at Stone Mountain State Park in NC © Katrena
I am hoping to return to Stone Mountain State Park and enjoy the entire loop in cooler weather. There are quite a few trails at the park, including one waterfall very close to a parking area that we didn't have the opportunity to see.

Steps Coming from the front side of the loop down to the Stone Mountain Falls © Katrena
I have tried to include a variety of pictures showcasing how the trail looks, but my pictures don't do the trail justice. To enjoy the fresh air, smell the motley collection of wildflowers, and hear the meandering water of the stream add a depth to the view that I cannot capture with the lens of a camera!

Beauty of Nature on Stone Mountain Loop Trail in NC © Katrena
Additional articles by Katrena

Free Hiking Trail at Stone Mountain © Katrena
Thanks so much for visiting my Travel NC With Kids blog. Visit the official Stone Mountain State Park web site for hours, camping information, information about their bridle trails and fishing, and much more.
View looking back the the homestead from Stone Mountain Loop Trail © Katrena
Have you hiked this trail at Stone Mountain State Park? If so, what were your favorite parts?

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Stone Mountain State Park in NC Offers Nostalgic Exhibits in Welcome Center

Old Pictures and Antiques at Stone Mountain State Park © Katrena
My family has visited quite a few state parks throughout North Carolina. Each one has a unique, special feel when you walk into the room. We typically visit the Welcome Center first when going to a state park for the first time.

Beeswax Candles and Other Household Items at Stone Mountain State Park © Katrena
The Welcome Center at Stone Mountain State Park in North Carolina (not to be confused with the one in Georgia) offered quite a few interesting displays. Visitors get a glimpse of life in simpler times, a time when people were quite innovative by creating things they needed and wanted to make life easier.

Moonshine Still at Stone Mountain State Park © Katrena
A big black bear greeted us front and center as soon as we entered the front door. There are a lot of steps to enter through the front, but the building does have a ramp so folks can enter through the back without navigating all of those steps! If you have ever wondered what a moonshine still looks like, you'll find one in the lobby. Each of the exhibits offers educational information about the items.

Musical Instruments at Stone Mountain State Park © Katrena 
I come from a musical family, so I found the musical instruments on display to be particularly interesting. I bet quite a few fun times were enjoyed by families years ago as they made their own music together. I would have loved to have heard my grandma play that banjo!

Loom and Handmade Quilt at Stone Mountain State Park in NC © Katrena
A large loom and hanging quilt made the side room look rustic and homey. My kids particularly liked the stages of moths and butterflies display. When we went hiking, it was even better to see the beautiful insects fluttering around the trail and near the creek!

Farm Equipment and Painting of Stone Mountain in North Carolina © Katrena
There is a beautiful painting of Stone Mountain in the Welcome Center. It gives visitors an idea of the spectacular view that awaits those who wish to hike the trail. There is handicap parking near the area where you can see the large stone, so even those with mobility issues may wish to walk to see the old homestead and amazing mountain view. Folks can catch a glimpse of the stone from the window of the Welcome Center.

Cooking Items at Stone Mountain State Park Welcome Center © Katrena
I recognized quite a few of the items on display because my grandparents lived on a farm in southwestern Virginia. Many of those items brought back memories of visiting them.

Stages of Moths and Butterflies at Stone Mountain State Park in NC © Katrena
We had the opportunity to speak with several people who work at the park; they gave tips for which trails would be best for our hiking abilities and time we had for the visit. The Welcome Center also had restrooms.

Thanks so much for visiting my Travel NC With Kids blog! Have you been to Stone Mountain in North Carolina? If so, what are some of your favorite spots?

Farm Tools at Stone Mountain State Park in North Carolina © Katrena
For more information, maps, hours, etc., visit the Stone Mountain State Park official web page.

Additional articles by Katrena