
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Is There a Pot of Gold at the End of Jake Alexander Blvd in Salisbury, NC?

Sunflower Field in Salisbury NC © Katrena
Those who are searching for beauty while traveling may be surprised by unexpected places without signs, touring brochures, or even admission fees. While visiting many places in and outside of North Carolina, there are those moments when our family simply has to gaze in amazement, whether the unexpected treat is a double rainbow arching above the trees or an albino squirrel munching on a nut.

Beautiful Sunflower Field in NC © Katrena
One such unsung, beautiful place is a sunflower field in Salisbury, North Carolina in Rowan County. Local folks traveling between Salisbury and Mocksville will miss the field entirely if they take the shortcut. It is worth the extra mile to drive out to the light. Driving down Jake Alexander, head past the bowling alley and past the old Salisbury Mall and McDonald's and keep going straight.

Rowan County Sunflowers © Katrena
The field lies on the right just before the road ends. Some days, you might see a lone farmer wearing a wide-brimmed hat. He works the field by hand, one row at a time, walking and spraying his field that is appreciated by numerous birds and a few in-the-know motorists. You won't see this farmer on a tractor or toting fancy equipment. I cannot imagine the number of hours he puts into his field each year.

Sunflower Field on Jake Alexander Blvd © Katrena
The sunflower field tends to peak in mid-July as the flowers adorn their attire of yellow and brown beauty. Our family has driven this road for many years. The kids know the shortcut is never an option in July because we would miss seeing the pot of gold at the end of Jake Alexander!

Beautiful Places in North Carolina © Katrena
Additional places to see in and near Salisbury, NC:
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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Reynolda Gardens of Wake Forest University - Plants Galore!

Reynolda Gardens in Winston-Salem NC © Katrena
Reynolda Gardens, located at 100 Reynolda Village in Winston-Salem, North Carolina greets visitors with beautiful plants before visitors even enter the building. The parking lot has a beautiful area that begs for photos as soon as guests arrive...and the beauty has just begun! Touring the gardens is free of charge and open to the public.

Beautiful Flower Garden Near Wake Forest University © Katrena
Upon entering Reynolda Gardens' Garden Boutique, you will find all sorts of items, from topiaries to decorative doormats to figurines to pillows. The small shop is inviting and air conditioned, a great benefit on those North Carolina summer days that feel as if they could melt a lump of coal.

Reynolda Greenhouse in Winston-Salem © Katrena
The boutique has a back door that leads directly into the greenhouses. These greenhouses are brimming with a beautiful array of flowers. Some are large and flowing while others are tiny, dainty, and hanging. I could easily spend an hour in the greenhouse, exploring the various plants.

Free Flower Garden in North Carolina © Katrena
The gardens lie on the back side of the greenhouse. You might catch a glimpse of parts of the garden from the greenhouse windows, but you really have to walk out there to appreciate all the small details. We visited on an incredibly hot day, and I saw two gardeners working in that heat - kudos to them because many people would have been begging for mercy and an air conditioner on a day approaching 100 degrees F.

Beautiful Places to Visit in Forsyth County © Katrena
The gardens are manicured and feature various plants pleasantly arranged in a way that visitors can enjoy the beauty of each section. The purple coneflowers and other plants near the front give way to a nice vegetable garden in the middle area. This was a great opportunity for my 6-year-old to learn more about vegetables since we do not have a garden at home. Beyond the vegetables lie more flowers with a nice sized rose garden at the back.

Water Garden in Reynolda Gardens © Katrena
The various sections have several shaded areas with benches that lend themselves well to quite contemplation, watching for birds, or simply enjoying nature. If you are walking around the edges of the garden, make sure to walk up the center path as well. A water garden with goldfish and water lilies awaits!

Vegetable Garden in Reynolda Gardens © Katrena
Reynolda Gardens is a great place to enjoy plants, flowers, and a bit of down time from a rushed routine. Each season holds different gems within its borders. You might also purchase tickets to tour the house or walk around at the various shops at Reynolda Village while you are there.

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