
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Old Salem Tour of Timothy Vogler Gunsmith Shop

Timothy Vogler Gun Shop at Old Salem © Katrena
The Timothy Vogler Gunsmith Shop is one of the historical shops we visited on an Old Salem tour. The town is located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina near Business 40 in Forsyth County. Those looking to learn about Moravian culture won't be disappointed as visitors have the opportunity to experience history as it is interpreted by professional guides in buildings that have stood for nearly 200 years. We decided to visit the gun shop after touring the St. Philips African Moravian Church and graveyards.

Historical Gunsmith Shop in Forsyth County © Katrena
If you look up while approaching the front of the building, it is easy to see that this is the gunsmith shop because a large gun is attached to the front. Built by Timothy Vogler in 1831, we found it interesting to learn that his family lived in the small shop for a while. I could imagine the challenges and yet unexpected blessings that might accompany living in such tight quarters...and probably a nice incentive to continue working on the homestead next door!

Looking at Guns in Old Salem © Katrena
The guide showed us several different older guns and explained how these may have been used in Old Salem. Quite a few gun-related accessories were in the shop, and we had the opportunity to learn about how to load and shoot the guns of the time. The kids didn't recognize the term "half-cocked," but I did and found it interesting to have a mental picture of that term. I would think that the hunters of that time had to be a pretty good shot. They probably rarely had second chances!

Learn How Guns Were Made in Moravian Village © Katrena
Various parts of guns in different stages of completion were in the shop. Several personal, artistic touches are added, and the guide showed us how one might identify a gun made from this shop. Quite a bit of precision goes into making a gun by hand, and a gunsmith had to be skilled at working with wood as well as metal.

Skeleton Keys at Old Salem © Katrena
People who love small details will be thrilled here. A plethora of items are displayed. I could not help but notice the skeleton keys hanging by a window. I liked the unusual and practical way in which tools were hung around a wooden log by a leather strap as well.

Tools of Gunsmith Trade © Katrena
Mr. Vogler practiced his craft here until the 1890s. Although the building was later enlarged and used as a residence for a while, in 2002 it was restored back to its original splendor.

Old Guns in North Carolina © Katrena
I was particularly impressed with how the guide engaged the kids in conversation, encouraging them to think, offer their own ideas, and ask questions. Although this building was one of the smallest on the tour, it was quite informative and interesting.

Gunsmith Shop in Winston-Salem © Katrena
Find more great family-friendly travel ideas at the Travel NC With Kids site map.


  1. I don't know what Moravian means, but if I ever find myself near Winston-Salem, I would go see this even if I didn't have any step-grandkids with me. I know my husband would love to see anything about guns and I like things that are handcrafted. I like to imagine myself back in time or imagine what it's like to live in an area when I'm visiting. Are they actually making guns that work? Or are they just showing how it was done back in the day?

    Always looking for something fun to do with grandkids. But, North Carolina would be a long drive from Seattle. However, I've never been to that part of the country and I've heard it's a nice area for I will probably get a chance to see the gunsmith in action.

  2. Hi Chris!

    The Moravian Church is a Protestant denomination, and many of the folks who settled in Old Salem held those religious beliefs. Most of them were tradespeople and were quite progressive at the time - even the girls received some formal education. President George Washington actually visited the town and wrote a letter that is on display in the Tavern (another site on the tour).

    I believe I heard the tour guide mention that this is the oldest operating gunsmith shop in the nation. He looked to have been working on crafting a gun before we walked in!

    Thanks again for such nice comments. Many of the places we have visited are full of heritage. North Carolina is a nice place for retirement - we have four seasons, lots of variety in the terrain (mountains to the coast), and in lots of places, you can still enjoy quite a bit of Southern hospitality!


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