
Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day Celebrations Abound in NC on November 11

Veterans Day Programs in NC - Celebration of Patriotism at a NC School ©Katrena
On November 11 at 11:00 a.m., many cities and towns across the United States will honor their veterans in ceremonies for Veterans Day.

Veterans Day celebrations are typically held near memorials or in prominent locations in town. This is a time to remember all of America's veterans who have served during times of war or peace.

How to Find a Veterans Day Celebration in North Carolina

Most cities offer a Veterans Day program, and these are typically held on November 11 at 11:00 a.m. Some programs may also be offered near that date and time. For example, if schools are dismissed for Veterans Day, they may hold a program before that date.

How to Find a Local Veterans Day Program in NC ©Katrena
Places one may check to find a Veterans Day program:
  • A veterans organization, such as the VFW, American Legion, etc.
  • A local newspaper – upcoming veterans programs may be highlighted before November 11
  • A local Chamber of Commerce often has listings of programs scheduled for the community.
  • Local schools may offer Veterans Day programs in which all veterans are invited to attend.
Veterans and their family members have often sacrificed more than anyone can fully realize. Attending a Veterans Day program as a family can show support to the troops and instill a rich sense of pride and heritage. Taking the time to speak with veterans who attend these programs can also be inspiring as many of these men and women still give back to their country in amazing and humble ways.
How to Honor Veterans ©Katrena
Today is 11/11/11. Thank you, veterans, for all that you have done and continue to do. And thank you to the families who also sacrificed much to help that happen. My father, now deceased, was a graduate of the United States Naval Academy and served as a Navy pilot for five years, and my step-father served in the Army in Vietnam. Many of my friends and family members are veterans. My sincere hope is that we will always remember and that veterans will feel the appreciation they deserve. This one is for all of you!

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